old cat pee

Why Does My Cat Pee On My Clothes?

Cats sometimes behave in a very weird manner that we don’t understand.

One of the behavior is cat urinating on clothes.

 Well, this may look like abnormal behavior but this may be due to some underlying health issue in them.

So, it will be best if we know the reason behind it and know how to stop their peeing problem.

Their are many reasons on why cat pee on clothes. Lets find out one by one.

 In this article we will tell you the reason behind their peeing.

And also tell you how to remove pee from clothes and how to prevent your cat from peeing.

There are of two primary reasons behind cats peeing on clothes.

Medical causes

Behavioral causes

cat sitting

Medical Causes

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease(FLUTD)

Feline lower urinary tract disease is a condition that affect the bladder and urethra of cats.

 Cats with FLUTD  have difficulty in urinating and also increases the frequency in urination.

Some blood are also found in urine.

The reason behind this disease is infectious cystitis(caused by bacteria) and sometime it maybe struvite stones.

 If left untreated it can cause death. Talk a visits to a vet as soon as possible.

Kidney Problem

Their is another reason and this can be serious issue, that is chronic kidney disease.

Kidney may not work properly which may lead to build up of toxin in body and cause to leakage of urination cats.

As the kidney cant clean out toxics it flushes out water.

Cats with kidney problem need proper care and treatment.

Take them to vets very often. Their advise should be followed and medicines should be taken.

Thyroid Problem

It is seen that in some cats that have thyroid problems also have peeing problem.

Thyroid gland in cats regulate hormone and metabolism in body.

If they don’t work properly it can lead to urinary problems.

Take a visit to the vet they will recommend a test which will tell if they have hypothyroid or hyperthyroid and prescribe medicine for them.


Diabetes is also a major reason behind cats frequent urination.

Increase blood glucose in their body can lead them to diabetes or urination.

Diabetes causes an increase in thirst and urination.

To know if your cat has diabetes do a simple blood test have a visit to a vet. 

Injury Or Pain

Cats who are in pain and injury can also behave like this.

Sometime your cat while playing or quarrelling among cats.

Get injured and get hurt. Then they face mobility problem but we don’t know about their pain.

So it is best to monitor their behavior if they most of the time sitting and not stand and moving then it is certain that they have pain.

 If they are yelling too much than they are in pain.

It is better to take them to a vet.

old age cat peeing

Old Age

Cats when they get old they have the problem of pain and mobility.

At that moment the movement from one place to another is very difficult.

So, at that time cats have no choice to pee and poop at the same place where they are sitting.

It be better if we take best care of them in this age and also keep the litter box close to them

Behavioral Causes

Stress, Fear

Many cats do these things out of fear or stress.

Fear of shifting to a new place or fear of when a person or new pet is introduce in their life.

Like a newborn baby or a new pet dog. Past trauma with dogs cant be ignored.

That’s why when they see a new pet dog in house they get scared.

And same goes with baby seeing as new family member in between their pet owner.

They get stressed out that they have top share their owner with other.

This sense of jealously stress them out.

Territory Marking

Cats sometime pee or spray to mark their territory.

They do this when they feel some outsider cat have come to take their territory.

Sometime the male cat do to attract the female cat.

Male cats that are unneutered do spraying in order to attract female cats for mating.

Though some neutered cats also have been found doing spraying.

Cats also do this when outsider cats have come inside in their territory and urinated inside their territory and urinate on walls or floor.

So to remove outsider cat pee smell form their territory they pee on doors or clothes.

cat being cuddled

Need Attention

Cats some time do this to get your attention.

They might feel like that they are getting less attention by their parents.

That’s why to get back their attention they do such type of thing.

Fear of left out, nowadays people are busy in their work or career and cat who don’t the reality feels left out.

It will be best if we take out some time from our busy schedule and play with our pet.

This way they will not feel like left out and our daily stress will also come down.

Litter Box Problem

Cat also pee out of litter box. If their litter box is dirty or unclean.

If the litter box size is small or somehow unsuitable for them.

They will stop using their litter box and they will urinate or pass stool outside of it.

That why it is recommendable to buy best litter box for them.

Check out this article of our it will guide and tell you how to pick best litter box for your cat.

Link- https://www.ourpetsclub.com/best-top-6-cat-litter-boxes/

cat and vet


How To Get Cat Pee Out Of Clothes

That sound yuck but what can you do. You can’t slap your cat as you love them.

But we can clean our clothes. There is the step by step process.

First, soak the clothes stain part in water for 5-10 minutes.

After that, spray white vinegar on stain. And then put some baking soda on vinegar.

Rub for some time and leave you. After that rinse it with water.

You may not know but white vinegar and baking soda are very powerful solution.

 it can clean almost anything form very stubborn kitchen stains to metal rust and stain.

How To Prevent Spraying

It will be advisable to neuter your cat. But will it stop your cat from spray.

Well, not totally but it will decrease it drastically.

Many pet owners have benefited from it. You should give it a try.

Ask your vet about this problem, they will provide you a best solution.

And also avoid their contact with a females cat.

How To Stop Cat From Peeing Outside The Litter Box

First you should keep the cat litter box clean.

Imagine you waking up in the morning and seeing your bathroom dirty and nasty.

Will you do latrine in your bathroom.

Hell no, then how can a cat pass stool or urine in a dirty litter box.

We should clean our cat litter box once at week. And scoop out waste and cat feces daily. 

The size of litter box also matter.

If it is small in size but your cat size is big than how can you expect them to poop or urine inside it.  

Train them to do their work in litter box. Reward them after that by treat.

cat being cuddled


Deeply monitor your cat behavior why they are doing.

Match the above given behavior.

Also look if any new cat have come in your neighbor. Are they doing it in stress.

 Is your cat litter box clean. Do you scoop it daily.

 Do you clean it once a week. If you are not spending enough time with them and do it.

Cuddle them and play with them. They will love it and you will love it  too.

You also have to look their medical reason also. Like kidney issue or diabetes.

It will best if you take them to a vet.

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