dog aggressive toward cat

How To Stop Dog Aggression Towards Cats

People who tend to keep both dogs and cats together have to face the problem.

And that is their dog who keeps chasing their cat, although some people find it funny.

But this is a big problem and it has to be resolved.

Some dog and cat can live together happily but in most cases it is seen that they quarrel with each other.

Dogs which are aggressive and chase cats like this require good training.

Training help them to be in control and make them disciplined and act less aggressive.

If you don’t train them and instead enjoy their moment this may one day end in a tragic incident.

And this incident may grow aggressiveness and their hunting instinct inside them.

dog chasing cat

Why Are Dogs Aggressive Towards Cats?

Their are various reasons on why dogs act aggressive towards cats.

1.Wolf instinct-Dogs are a descendents of wolves and they have high hunting instinct.

They tend to chase small preys in the jungle.

Dogs also love chasing smaller animals then them like cats, rabbits, lamb or goat baby.

2. Jealously. Dogs do these acts out of jealousy.  

They don’t want to share their owner with any other animals or cats.

So they do this when they feel ignored from their owners.

3. Protection of the territory from the outsider.

Dogs do this when a new comer have entered inside their territory.

And they feel that this new one is a threat for the territory and they can take away their territory from them.

Early Signs For Dog Aggression Towards Cats

Barking and growling continuously-when they see cats in front of them they start growling and barking towards them.

Staring continuously- they continuously aggressively stare them for very long.

Body stiffening- their body start to stiffing whenever they see a cat is approaching.

Their body fur goes straight up, this means that they are going in an intense mode.

He will stop eating foods when they sees a cat is approaching towards them and keeps staring for long time.

He starts chasing moving objects like moving bike and cars, rats, squirrels or rabbits.

How To Stop Dog Aggression Towards Cats?

Keep Them Away From Each Other

Keep them away from each other is the best option.

Install a gate in between them that separate them from each other’s room.

This may prevent them from coming in contact between them.

dog staring at cat

Find Out Why Your Dog Is Aggressive Towards The Cat

Their are several reasons on why dogs react like that

1. Hunting instinct– Dogs that high hunting prey instinct as they are descendents of wolves.

Wolves in jungle tend to chase and hunt down small animals than them.

They do these things to satisfy their hunger.

2. Past trauma with cats- Some dogs may have experienced a bad past with cats.

When they were puppies some cats might have bullied them.

3.Hungry- Dogs some time act like this when they are hungry. And don’t know what to eat.

So it is advisable to give them food on time.

4. Jealously- They sometime behave like this when they are jealous from the cat as they don’t want to share their owner from other.

And sometime when they are ignored by their owner for a new comer.

5. Protect their territory- Protect their territory from a new comer.

A cat is anew comer in a house and they might feel threatened from a new comer as they might grab their territory from them.

6. They wants to play- Playful dogs may do it just to play with them. Just to end their loneliness.

Their may one or more than one reasons from the above.

Try to find out yourself or ask from a certified trainer. You can also go to a vet.

Find out a well certified dog trainer that can train them and teach them to be disciplined.

And act less aggressive and bark less in front of cats.  

Follow their advice properly and try to find a well certified dog trainer.

You can ask from vets or your neighbor dog owner.

Try to find trainer that can read dogs and cat body behavior.

Don’t Punish Them

Don’t give them punishment on doing wrong.

They are just our kids, it would send bad message if we do punish them for certain mistakes.

It will make them stubborn.

dog is been trained

Train Them At Home

Train dogs at home are also recommended.

Command them by raising voice or by commanding them like to stay away and leave him or you can show them your angry eyes.

 raising voice in front of dog when he is chasing or hurting them.

Showing them angriness or raising your voice or showing your eyes in front of them send a message to them that my owner is becoming angry by their behavior.

Knowing Each Other

When your bring home a new pet introduce each other properly, help them to know each other.

 let them sniff out each other. Feed them together.

Teach them to be together by taking out both of them for a walk.

Spend leisure time and play with both of them not individually. Let them sniff each other toy, watching tv together.

Feed Them Properly

Sometime when they are hungry they do act like that.

Hungriness lead sometime to lose the mind and calmness and then their hunting instinct began to rise and want something to eat.

This lead them to chase and eat any small animals which they see in front of them.

Do feed them on time and don’t let them to wait for the food.

And train them before their hungriness can lead them to kill anyone.

Keep Them Separate

Keep both of them in separate place and away from each other.

Keep them in different rooms and block them with a gate barrier.

Sometime leaving them separate makes them to know the importance of each other.

And slowly-slowly introduce both of them to each other and not in a hurry or at once.

And let them know each other.

dog and cat together

Keep Them Busy

Keep them busy don’t let them to see each other.

You can keep them busy by giving them toys to play or play fetch game with them or by going on a walk.

Training them or if they like watching tv.

Don’t let them be free as sometime free minds lead to mischief.

Can You Trust Your Dog After Training

After training you can start trusting your dog.

But not at the beginning for one year it is better to keep them separate.

A training usually take 1.5 months.

But immediately after that it is not advisable to keep both of them together.

At house training is a also required to keep them in control.

Seeing them getting aggressive than commanding them and raising your voice should be done.

Making Your Cat Feel Comfortable

Your cat should be feeling comfortable with them. Slowly start letting them know each other.

Before starting introduction between them, keep a check on your dog aggressiveness.

Give them a treat for these little introduction. Give them each other toys to sniff out.

 ask from your trainer advice on when and how to socialize the cat with your dog.

You can take them for a walk together.

dog aggressive


Indeed, dogs and cats are not best friends. But by early introducing each other can help them.

Help them to know each other by letting them sniffing each other toys.

At the beginning, feeding them separate and keeping them separate is also a good option.

This way they will know each other value.

Can train them by certified dog trainer and you can train your dog by commanding them.

Ask from your trainer advice on when and how to socialize the cat with your dog.

Spending leisure time with both of them is also recommended.

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