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Can Dogs Eat Guava?- All You Need To Know

Guava are very delicious and healthy fruits. It is superfood and has too many health benefits.

Guava boost our immunity, promotes antioxidants. Increase body metabolism and keep guts healthy.

But is it healthy for dog to eat? Should you include it in dog diet and feed them daily?

There are numerous question before feeding guava to dog. We will try to answer your every single question’s answer. 

dog eating in forest

Guava Nutrition Content

Guava is a very nutritious fruits and it has many medicinal properties and capabilities, that’s why sometimes it is called the queen of fruits.

Here are some nutritional facts of guava that you should know.

Guava contains 21% vitamin A which helps to brighten up your skin and maintain mucous membranes.

Vitamin C in it helps in building immune system and also promotes in healing wound quickly.

It has antioxidants which boost immune system and increase body cells growth.

It contain an important element in it which is called lycopene, which is found in pink colored guava, this things protect our skin from ultraviolet rays and prevent from cancer in dogs.

It has vitamin A and K in it which increase immunity in them. These vitamins helps to keep healthy metabolism.

Iron and fiber in it grows hemoglobin and keep it in healthy range. These hemoglobin carry nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.

Fibers keep the digestive system healthy.

Potassium in it leads to muscles growth and keeps the organs healthy.


Can Dogs Eat Guava?

Yes, they can eat it but not on regular basis. Once or twice a week is enough. Guava has many health benefits.

It is a superfood with lots of health benefits.

How To Feed My Dog Guava?

If your dog is small give them guava in small quantity or in a shape of slice.

If your dog is large give them bigger slice. Give them ripped guava only.

Don’t give them guavas that are hard to bite or chew for them.

Before feeding them remove the seeds inside them as it is harmful for them.

It can causes stomach problem in them. Don’t feed them every day, once to twice a week is enough.

If your dogs start facing some health issues like diarrhea or vomiting, stomach cramps stop feeding them immediately.

guava dog

Some Interesting Facts About Guava

1. Guava trees grows to about 20 feet(609cm)

2. A single guava fruit contains 100 to 500 small seeds.

3. A guava fruit contains vitamin A,C and E

4. Guava have four times more vitamin A and C than orange, three times more protein that orange and four times more fiber that pineapple.

5. Guava tree can live upto 40 years or more. 

Pros And Cons Of Feeding Guava To Dogs


Nutrient content- it is packed with vitamins A, C and K which promotes antioxidants. Rich with fiber keeps gut healthy.

Hydrate- it has 83% of water in it which will keeps cat hydrated. And it is helpful for cat, as cat drink less water.

Boost immunity. Guavas are excellent superfood and it promotes antioxidants. Antioxidants boost immunity it the ability to fight diseases.


Stomach problem- it can keep stomach upset as it is high in fiber which can cause stomach upset.

So it is advisable to feed them in small quantity and you can asks to your vet for advice.

Allergic- too much fruits can sometimes cause allergies. As dogs are generally carnivorous animals.

Their main energy source are animal protein. The plant proteins cause allergies.

If this happens take them to vet.

High sugar- it can be harmful for dog who have diabetes. So, prevent them from eating guava and also for dogs who are overweight.

Can Dogs Eat Ripped Guava?

Yes, you can feed them ripe guava and you should and only feed hem ripe guava.

Give them in small quantity and remove all seeds from it. Cut it into slice and feed them.

Give them twice a week. Giving them too much can lead to indigestion.

Can Dog Eat Red Guava?

Yes you can feed them red guava. It is healthy. It is red from inside.

These guavas are sweet in taste.

white guava

Can Dogs Eat White Guava?

Yes you can feed them white guava. It has too many benefits in it. These guavas are white from inside.

And they taste mild sweet. They turn white when ripped.

fruits dog is eating

Alternatives To Guava For Dogs

There are several fruits you can feed your dogs. Feeding them different types of fruits fulfills there different body requirements.

Apple- It is great source of fiber which boost antioxidants and immunity in body. Good for guts health.

Watermelon- Watermelon keep body hydrated and is good source of vitamin A, D and C. Remove it seed before serving them.

Banana- Banana are high in potassium, biotin and fiber. Potassium helps in building nerves, muscles, and heart to function well. Keep guts health in check.

Mango- They are tasty, sweet, and juicy to eat. Mango have different vitamins like A, B6, C and E.

These help in growth and build immunity in body.

Fruits That We Should Avoid Feeding Dogs?

Some fruits that dog should avoid. If you don’t feed them these fruits then it will be good for their health.

Grapes can cause kidney damage in them. It has toxics in it so it better to avoid. Vets also advise to avoid it.

Orange and lemon (citrus fruits) because citrus acid are bad for stomach health. These acids can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.

Avocado- avocado has persin in it which is causes diarrhea and vomiting in dogs. These things are toxic to dogs.

Cherries- cherries have cyanide in them which are toxic to dogs. Cyanide block oxygen reach to cells.

dog eating food


In the end we would like to say that guava are healthy fruits that you can give them for one to two times a week.

Guavas have different type’s nutrients composition like vitamin A, B and C.

These elements help in body growth and increase antioxidants in their body.

Before serving them remove seeds from the fruits and then give them.

Too much is bad for their guts. It can cause diarrhea.

If they face any problem in their body stop feeding them guava and take them to vet.

We should give them alternatives fruits day by day.

Giving them alternate fruits will fulfill their body requirements.

Feed them fruits like apples and cherries to them.

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